“Nothing is so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals”. Quote by Thomas Jefferson!
I read this quote on a special education blog tonight and I wanted to share it with you. The blogger's name is Pam Brogdon and she has some really great points and strategies for getting general education students and teachers to better understand how accommodation for learning disabled (LD) students are Not an unfair advantage that they are missing out on. The Blog I am referring to is Classroom Accommodations?!? THAT IS NOT FAIR !!!!. Please take a minute and read what she has to say. I really recommend reading more of her blogs on special education because she has a lot of really good information.One thing I have to say is that when you read her stuff you have to remember that she is coming from the school prospective. As a school employee in the special education department and as a parent of a student with special needs I try to always see both sides before I truly say I agree or disagree with people. I can see where she is coming from and it would have been nice to have read her blog a long time ago for me because I could have used some of her strategies in my IEP meetings. As a parent it would have been nice to have had someone like her in my son's IEP meetings to help both sides (school and parents) better understand the accommodation process and reasoning for each accommodation.
From the Sociological prospective I have to say that Pam shares a lot of points that would work with the four dimenstions of McDonaldization (Rational Action). It sounds like the IEP meetings that Pam has been involved in she has a lot of Control as well as the meetings run with Efficiency to help keep the team on topic. I also gather from this blog that it is important for classrooms with LD students to have a strong amount of predictability built in to them to help all the students not just the LD students.