How easy can Accommodations Be to use in the classroom? As easy as a post-it note or a as complex as a full blown student lead checklist.
When a student that seems to know the material that is being taught to them but does not do well on test or larger assignments there might be a problem. This problem for the most part can be avoided or at lease lessoned with a simple accommodation of the teacher part. When they are handed a front and back packet of information or 3 and 4 pages stapled together most students that are low reader or that have problems with writing will shut down with out even giving the information on the packet a chance. With something called chunking this can be avoided with little effort. Simply separate the assignment / test into smaller sections and only hand then one section at a time. This every easy method can be used to also help students that need to move around during longer assignments by allowing them to get up after completing each section and pick up the next section.
With a simple post it note you can give a child a positive message or even a warning without engaging with them or calling attention to them. Post it notes are also a great way for students to interact with the teacher with out interrupting the class discussion. You can use different colors to represent different questions. You can also have them write down what they would like to say and place it at the top of there desk so the teacher can walk by and glance over to make the decision whether to engage or not.
Checklist can take a few more minutes to create and explain how to use them. Once you put in the time to make one there is not much else a teacher would need to do other then a few verbal reminder to have the student us them.
This is a great idea to have for students that might need to take a few minute break. They could learn to start understanding when they are getting upset and use it as a way to calm down or avoid get to the anger stage. Students can also use this when the teacher says I think you might need a minute to yourself or even just because sitting in a classroom chair for to long can just be to much for some student. This is every easy to use, you print out a few and fill them out with the students name and the teacher information and then give it a cool name like HOT PASS and make sure that the staff in the building are aware of this pass and then laminate them and hand them to the students to use a needed thought out the year. For younger students teacher my want to find a place in the classroom for the passes tome located as to not have them lost as often.
Ok I could go on for days with items that would make life easier for students. With just little bit of creativity and thinking out of the box you can help so many students be successful in school.
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